Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
Gliding with Yoshi – Gaming Dad Victory of the Week Ep. 101
This week’s Gaming Dad Victory goes to David Hunt with an incredibly built Yoshi Zipline for his son, along with a fantastic passion project game: Forevor Home David Hunt on […]
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
Passing the Torch to the Next Generation – Gaming Dad Victory of the Week #97
We meet Gaming Dad Joe, and a grand moment for any gaming dad as they start the next generation of gamer.
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
Gaming Dad Tastes a Team Kill – Gaming Dad Victory of the Week #96
This week’s Gaming Dad Victory goes to Chrichins, who used his little gaming time to dominate his opponents in Destiny 2.
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
Gaming and Baby Balance – Gaming Dad Victory of the Week #95
The Gaming Dad Victory of the Week Award goes to Chuck, and how he’s managed to “balance” babies and gaming.
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
A Gaming Room for his Son – Gaming Dad Victory #94
This week’s gaming Dad victory goes to Eric and an incredible gaming room he’s built for himself and his son.
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
Introducing the Daughters to the Classics – Gaming Dad Victory #91
This week’s Victory goes to Gaming Dad Alister, hailing from Victoria, Australia, who dusted off his old N64, and introduced his 3 girls to a classic.
Gaming Dad Victory of the Week
A Son Bests his Father’s Time – Gaming Dad Victory of the Week #90
This week’s Victory goes to Gaming Dad David, who had his son Sam match an old achievement of his right on it’s anniversary.
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